A success story for 40 years with over 1300 concerts worldwide in 29 countries altogether. This puts the Singphoniker in the established circle of the longest existing vocal ensembles; europe-wide.
Already this old and still so young- one of the many secrets connected to the Singphoniker´s continuing success. Not by accident, their reputation for being one of the best ensembles of their kind, precedes these six singers.
Their singphonic trademark
in varied programmes of great diversity sparks fly in performances uniting seemingly incompatible styles and compositions into a surprisingly coherent unit which is then moderated with great poise and humour.
Their singphonic secret of success
Their musicmaking is based on friendship, mutual appreciation, conscientious dealing with the repertoire and is carried by the greatest enjoyment of vocal comminucation on stage. Principles which immediately transfer to their excited audiences- creating a musical vortex that touches people and entrains them.
Video: the Singphoniker